Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mother-in-law's Stack N Whack quilt

Several years ago, somewhere between 9 and 11 years, Fern and I took a  quilt class at Luther Park.  The class was to teach us how to make a new block, Stack N Whack.  Basically what you do is take some very pretty fabric, precisely stack layers together, cut them out just so and when you sew them back together the block resembles a kaleidoscope.   Great theory and I am sure  many quilters love this block and have made several Stack and Whack quilts.

Fern and I carefully chose our fabrics.... mine from Mill Ends and her fabric was from a quilt shop, pricey and very pretty.   What neither of us noticed at the time of purchase was the shine on her fabric.  While a nice sheen is pretty, it is also slippery.  Now if you have ever made a Stack n Whack quilt slippery is not what you want!  Needless to say the blocks and the cutting was a disaster.

Both, of our projects were put a way in our UFO stashes.  I dug mine out a year or so later, finished and gave it to my great-niece Sam.  Fern's was left in the stash.

A couple of weeks ago, my quilt guild scheduled a Stack N Whack class.  Thinking DMIL would appreciate my offer to finish her quilt I called her and made the offer.  Yes, she said come and get the beast.  I stopped to pick up the fabric and the 2 finished blocks, again finding the fabric very pretty.  While we were putting the fabric in a carrying bag she made a zinger comment as only MIL's can.  This is what she said: "I hope I get this back before I die."  

Now remember she started this over 9 years ago and being in her early 80's I can understand her concern. But, really why would she say something like that?  Not out of meanness, just out of curiosity,  maybe as a warning she is sick..... who knows!!

But it got me wondering how many comments have I made to my DDIL's that were perfectly innocent  but they thought of as "zingers?"  Would a daughter think the same comment was a zinger or laugh it off as just Mom being Mom? 

Monday, April 8, 2013


The robins have returned to our yard.  Tonight, as I headed out for a walk there in a tree sat a robin.  I love seeing them every spring.  It means the woodland flowers won't be far behind.  While maybe not this year since we still have 6 to 12 inches on snow still on the ground the violets and trilliums are still hiding. 

As I walked on our country road I could hear the sand hill cranes and saw a flock of robins.  They were so busy looking for food.  I wonder if some were gathering nesting materials.  Snow is in the forecast again so I hope the nest builders have lot's of insulation and a roof!!

Seeing the robins helped me decide it was time to remove my fall/winter quilt from the back of the love seat and put out the Gerber Daisy quilt.  It really adds the look and feel of spring/summer to our home.